이재진 변호사는 의료기기, 생명공학, 반도체 장치 및 가공, 금속공학, 재료과학, 에너지 시스템, 광학 디스플레이, 청정기술, 나노기술을 포함한 여러 기술 분야에 걸쳐, 다양한 규모의 고객에게 지적 재산권 법률 서비스를 제공합니다.
이 변호사는 유기 발광 다이오드(OLED)의 독특한 구성을 발명하였고 관련 특허 출원 및 판매를 진행했습니다. 당시의 경험을 토대로, 현재는 특허법을 다각적으로 활용하여 고객을 지원하고 있습니다.
이 변호사는 University of Waterloo에서 나노기술 공학으로 학사 학위를 받았으며, 이후 University of Toronto에서 재료 과학 및 공학의 응용 과학 석사 학위를 취득했습니다. 석사 과정 중에는 삼성 디스플레이와 협력하여 유기 발광 다이오드의 열 열화에 대한 연구를 수행했습니다.
석사 학위 취득 후 지적 재산권 법률 회사에서 특허 대리인 연수생으로 근무한 뒤, Hitachi에서 데이터 과학 및 스마트 제조 분야의 기술 컨설턴트를 역임 했습니다.
이후 University of Ottawa 로스쿨 과정을 이수하며 지적재산권 법을 중점적으로 다양한 인턴십에 참여하였고, Smart & Biggar LLP에서 하계 인턴으로 근무한 바 있습니다.
특허 업무 이외에도, 이 변호사는 법조계에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다. 현재 뉴욕 지적재산권 법률 협회(NYILA)와 뉴욕주 한인 변호사 협회(KALAGNY)에서 활동하고 있으며, 당사에서는 Pro Bono 위원회의 멤버로 활동하고 있습니다.
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (J.D., 2023) Law and Technology 세부 전공
고려대학교 법학전문대학원 (2022) 교환학생
University of Toronto (M.A.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering, 2019), 성적 우수
University of Waterloo (B.A.Sc. Nanotechnology Engineering, 2017), 성적 우수
Jae Jin Lee (“Jae”) focuses on patent prosecution and client practice. Jae received his undergraduate degree in nanotechnology engineering at the University of Waterloo and supports clients of varying sizes across a diverse range of technologies including medical devices, biotechnology, semiconductor devices and processing, metallurgy, materials science, energy systems, optical displays, clean technology, and nanotechnology.
In addition to publishing in academic journals, Jae invented, patented, and sold a unique configuration of organic light-emitting diodes used in flexible displays. Jae continues to leverage his experience as an inventor to support clients in various aspects of patent law.
Prior to law school, Jae worked as a patent agent trainee at an intellectual property law firm and as a technical consultant at Hitachi in the field of data science and smart manufacturing. Jae also received his Master of Applied Science in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto. During his time at graduate school, Jae collaborated with Samsung Display in South Korea and conducted research on the thermal degradation of organic light-emitting diodes.
At law school, Jae participated in various moots and internships specializing in intellectual property law, receiving the Law and Technology Option at the University of Ottawa. During his 1L and 2L years, Jae was a summer associate at Smart & Biggar LLP.
Outside of his patent practice, Jae is actively involved in the legal community and is currently an active member in the following associations: New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) and the Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY). At Knobbe Martens, Jae is also a member of the Pro Bono Committee.
In pre-pandemic times, Jae played semi-professionally in the third tier of Canadian soccer and was a varsity athlete during his university days.
- University of Ottawa (J.D., 2023), Law and Technology Option
- Korea University (Law School Exchange Student, 2022)
- University of Toronto (M.A.Sc. Materials Science & Engineering, 2019), Academic All-Canadian
- University of Waterloo (B.A.Sc. Nanotechnology Engineering, 2017), With Distinction, Academic All-Canadian
New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA)
Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York (KALAGNY)
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