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En Banc Federal Circuit Denies Rehearing of Holding That Severance of an Unconstitutional Restriction in the America Invents Act Is Consistent With Congressional Intent and Is the Least Disruptive Solution

En Banc Federal Circuit Denies Rehearing of Holding That Severance of an Unconstitutional Restriction in the America Invents Act Is Consistent With Congressional Intent and Is the Least Disruptive Solution Headshot

Makoto Tsunozaki, Ph.D.

Makoto (“Mak”) is focused on helping clients build and protect intellectual property assets with a global perspective. Mak’s practice includes client counseling and global portfolio management in intellectual property, patent...

En Banc Federal Circuit Denies Rehearing of Holding That Severance of an Unconstitutional Restriction in the America Invents Act Is Consistent With Congressional Intent and Is the Least Disruptive Solution Headshot

Kendall Loebbaka

Kendall guides clients in a broad range of cases, including patents, trade secrets, and contract matters. Kendall is an accomplished trial attorney, having litigated trade secret and patent infringement claims....